Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reunion Update

Hello GHS Class of 1990 Alumni,
Wow, in 9 days we will be celebrating our 20 year high school class reunion.... It’s been great reconnecting with some many of you.. I know we are going to have a great weekend!! 
Here’s some quick tidbits for the reunion weekend!!
Friday - July, 2nd
Class Social @ Gibby’s 7:00 pm. If your in town and attending the reunion or not it would be great to see you Friday night.
Prior to Gibby’s Kelly Brunette - Wolfe will be hosing a little “informal” get together at her mom’s house @ 5938 Rivers 22nd Road, Gladstone. (North Bluff) I’m going... hope that doesn’t hurt attendance too much...
Saturday - July, 3rd
New High School Tour @ 10:30 am. Meet at the flag pole. After the tour, classmates and their families are welcome to meet up at Kids Kingdom in Gladstone. Again just a casual meeting point for us to hangout, maybe we can even have a BBQ lunch.. Candice Maki has a home across from the park and I’m renting one next to hers. Everyone is welcome.
GHS Class of 1990 High School Reunion @ The Bluff Golf Course (not the Terrace Inn) 6:30 pm. We will have a DJ, hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.. We encourage you to pay in advance ($25 per person) either via PayPal or by check mailed to Jill Zumbrock - Stasler. However, payment can be made at the door. 
Kwik Points
  • There has been some enquires about “dress code” for the reunion. The answer, none.. Please wear something you feel comfortable in.. If it’s a jacket and tie or shorts and a Hawaiian Shirt.. be yourself....
  • Kerri will have class reunion T-Shirts but to ensure getting one contact her ASAP!!!
  • In this entire process we have avoided mailing anything. If you know someone that is not aware of the reunion please tell them about it... Everyone is welcome, no one was left out intentionally.. 
  • No paper tickets have been issued. If you paid we know (you name is on a list). Sorry, if there has been any confusion about this..
  • Never too late to get those questionnaires in for the memory book.. Lot of great stories in there..
Contact Info
Again, it’s not too late to join in.....
Rich McIntosh, Not our Class President... Just a dude looking to P-A-R-T-Y...


Smarty Pants

The Government Picks a Winner...

Way to go Alan!!!!

The Prez...

See you at the reunion Mr. Prezedent....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Star Track

We did have some fast women in our class!!!

Are You Track'n?

I forgot what a track star Candice Maki was... Probably all those years being chased home from James T. Jones from the boyz...

Candice, you where like Clark Kent... Take off the Cooolieooo's and you had super human speed.....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ahhhh Homecoming

Wow Sara, was that a wig?

Oh'ya... Swanny is in there with his 110 camera... I miss Swanny... That dirt little old man...

Tossing The Pigskin

Scott Kelly hits Garin Greibel over the middle for a big gainer.... as the Gladstone BRAVES beat the Marquette REDMAN 22/19....

Reunion Weekend Update

Reunion weekend update....

Kerri has arranged for us to tour the New High School on Saturday @ 10:30 am.. All you need to do is meet at the New High School Flag Pole. Families welcome... (yep they moved the high school) The Spirit Shop will be open if you want to buy some Braves Gear...

Also, after the tour, families are welcome to meet at Kids Kingdom. This would give our families an opportunity to mingle and let the kids blow off some steam. Candice Maki and I  have houses across from Kids Kingdom so we can offer a place to relax too. Maybe we can BBQ or something.. No big plan..

Reunion T-Shirts..... They're $10 each and we need your order by Friday, June 18th.. Sorry for the short notice.. Send an email to with size and qty if your interested.. 

We will continue to update the blog and fb page... and if you have any questions now or the weekend of the reunion you can call or email me 507-358-1044

Oh'ya... Bas Wolff is coming all the way from The Netherlands.. Dude, that's like 4500 miles!!! and he was the first to buy a ticket online.... 

And lastly... If you haven't bought your ticket please do so. This will help give us a better idea of how many are coming allowing us to finalize arrangements.. Remember our Paypal Site or send a Check to Jill Zumbrock (payable Gladstone Class of 1990)..

Jill Strasler (Zumbrock) 
7466 S. Lake Bluff 0.5 Dr. 
Gladstone, MI 49837

See you soon.....
Rich McIntosh

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Note on Invitations

I just want to drop a quick note about how classmates are being notified of the reunion. 
Mailed invitations are not being sent out. A few classmates may get something in the mail only because the organizers of this event didn’t have an email or phone number to contact the classmate.
Please keep in mind that it’s been 20 years and there is not a big book of records that someone has been updating with everyones contact information since 1990.  Also, our class does not have the resources ($$$) to hire a service to find everyone. 
It is not the intention of the people involved in organizing this event to leave anyone out (even Joyce). Unfortunately, some classmates have not been directly notified of the reunion but it’s the hope of the organizers enough information has been put out there for classmates to make arrangement to attend the reunion. If you know someone in our class that has not been contacted, please assure them they are included. Basically, if you attended GHS with a graduation maturity year of 1990 your welcome and if you don’t know, you’re welcome too.
Just the fact that I’m involved should prove options are limited. Most of the work has been done by a very few of our classmates that really cares about you and they have done a great job over the last year in their spare time.
Please pass on any information to our fellow classmates that you can. Our class has a facebook page, a blog, and announcements have been posted in the Daily Press. 
Thank you to everyone that has supported this effort to get together. I think we are going to have a great weekend. I hope to see everyone July 2nd at Gibby’s and/or July 3rd at the Bluff.
Rich McIntosh - Not your class President... I’m just the dude that dated your sister....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who's Bought Their Tickets?

Rob Spreitzer
Shawn Davis
Garin Grebal
Jen Smith
Amy Beaver
Jill Zumbrock
Amy Odgers
Debbie Trotter
Tracy Nussear
Nicole Creten
Jennifer Harding
Jennifer Swazay
Barbie Cotton
Michelle Knauf
Sara Hawker
Kelly  Wolfe
Kim Streichert
Tonya Train
Todd Kutzera
Aric Bostwick
Ann Hammock
Mike Salmi
Israel Chouinard
Angie Fargen
Jennifer Nelson
Jeremy Phillips
Stacy Christiansen
Richard McIntosh
Bas Wolff - First to Pay!!!!

Not a bad start.... If you haven't paid please do so ASAP.... We need the numbers to complete the arrangements... and we are poor.... we need the dough....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Only 30 Days Left!!!

Hi Everyone!  Hope you're enjoying the long Memorial Day Weekend!!
It's hard to believe that we've been out of school for nearly 20 years, let alone that the reunion is less than 6 weeks away!!!
We wanted to give everyone an update on what the plans are for the reunion.  
Friday          July 2          7:30 pm     We are planning an "informal" gathering @ Gibby's in Gladstone
Saturday    July  3          9am              There has been some interest in doing the Firecracker run.   There was a bit more interest when we thought the run was a 5K - but we found out it was a 5 Mile.....
                     July  3        to be determined      Tour of the "New" high school
                     July 3           6:30pm    ~              Reunion get together at the Terrace Bluff Golf Course. There will be a variety of buffet styled hot and cold appetizers available.   There will be a DJ as well as a cash bar.  
We are putting together a "Memory Book" about where everyone has been and what they've been doing.  You'll find an attachment with a questionnaire for us to do this at the end of this email.  Please be assured that NONE of this information will be used for anything other than the booklet that we are handing out at the reunion.  It will not be used as public information nor will it be placed on the internet.  Please fill this out and email it back by June 12th.  
We are also planning on getting some T-shirts made.  There seems to be a decent amount of interest in this, which will keep our cost relatively cheap.  The more we order, the more cheaper they are to purchase.  Please let me know if you'd like one - and the size.  I need the money - before I order them ~ so I can have them ordered, made and picked up before the reunion.  I will try to have a picture posted - so you can see them.   It looks like the cost will be about $10 a piece.   Please keep in mind - this is all for fun.  None of this stuff is making money for the class.
We're open to suggestions for the T-shirt.  Thinking about something like "Once a Brave, always a Brave....GHS Class of 1990 ~ 20 years later"  Please send suggestions!
Thanks and have a great day!!
Please Registar ASAP to help with planning and cash flow.. We have a PayPal site or you can mail a check to Jill Zumbrock.. Info can be found in the upper right corner of this page or by emailing me at ($25 per person)
A class questionnaire can be found on this page.. 
Also we need help finding the following classmates..
Shelly LaFave
Gerry Brunette
Terri Roman
Kevin Konyn
Troy Potier
Thanks.... Rich

Gladstone High School Class of 1990 Questionnaire

First Name
Last Name
Maiden Name
Birth Date
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address

If you move before our next reunion and forget to let us know, what one person is most likely to know how to contact you? Include Name, address, phone number and e-mail address. (This information will not be published anywhere) Don't forget, the easy way to keep your info up-todate is email Rich McIntosh @ We may put your e-mail address and contact information in the printed Memory Book but we will not put any information online, facebook, blogs, etc. Do you authorize for your contact information to be printed in the Memory Book?

Do you plan on attending the reunion?
Name of Spouse/Significant Other?
Where did you meet your spouse/significant other? Tell us a bit about them.
What is the year you got together or married?
Go ahead, tell us a bit about your kids! You know... how many, their names, ages and the one thing
you tend to brag about them when given the chance. Well, now is your chance!
No kids? How about that favorite niece, nephew, aunt, friend, etc... that makes you smile?
Any grandchildren? Tell us.
Don't forget to tell us about your pets (We have some real animal lovers out there!)
What is your current occupation?
What is the most interesting job you have held?
Where have you lived since graduation?
What is the most interesting place that you have traveled to?
How many miles will you travel to attend the reunion?
What do you like to do in your spare time? Your hobbies, interests, etc... (Being a couch potato does not count!)
What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment since high school? Feel free to brag here if you like!
If you could go back, what is one thing you would do different?
What is one thing you know now that you wish you knew in high school?
What was the color and make of car you drove in high school?
Where did you work in high school?
What do you miss most about high school?
Did you have a favorite teacher or class?
What was the best party (or party spot) in high school?
Do you have a favorite memory?
What was your favorite song in high school?
What is your favorite song now?
Where was your favorite place to hang out in high school?
Where is it now?
Do you have a most embarrassing moment you would like to share?

We have touched on a few fun topics; if there is something else you would like to share about your life these past 20 years, please add it here!

This is your opportunity to get involved in the planning of our next reunion as well as give feedback and suggestions to the next brave group that decides to take on the challenge! (These answers will not be published in the Memory Book) Would you like to be a part in helping plan our next reunion...

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Hope to see you July 3rd, 2010 @ The
Bluff Country Club..

More reunion information can be found with the following links and emails.

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