First Name
Last Name
Maiden Name
Birth Date
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
E-Mail Address
If you move before our next reunion and forget to let us know, what one person is most likely to know how to contact you? Include Name, address, phone number and e-mail address. (This information will not be published anywhere) Don't forget, the easy way to keep your info up-todate is email Rich McIntosh @ We may put your e-mail address and contact information in the printed Memory Book but we will not put any information online, facebook, blogs, etc. Do you authorize for your contact information to be printed in the Memory Book?
Do you plan on attending the reunion?
Name of Spouse/Significant Other?
Where did you meet your spouse/significant other? Tell us a bit about them.
What is the year you got together or married?
Go ahead, tell us a bit about your kids! You know... how many, their names, ages and the one thing
you tend to brag about them when given the chance. Well, now is your chance!
No kids? How about that favorite niece, nephew, aunt, friend, etc... that makes you smile?
Any grandchildren? Tell us.
Don't forget to tell us about your pets (We have some real animal lovers out there!)
What is your current occupation?
What is the most interesting job you have held?
Where have you lived since graduation?
What is the most interesting place that you have traveled to?
How many miles will you travel to attend the reunion?
What do you like to do in your spare time? Your hobbies, interests, etc... (Being a couch potato does not count!)
What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment since high school? Feel free to brag here if you like!
If you could go back, what is one thing you would do different?
What is one thing you know now that you wish you knew in high school?
What was the color and make of car you drove in high school?
Where did you work in high school?
What do you miss most about high school?
Did you have a favorite teacher or class?
What was the best party (or party spot) in high school?
Do you have a favorite memory?
What was your favorite song in high school?
What is your favorite song now?
Where was your favorite place to hang out in high school?
Where is it now?
Do you have a most embarrassing moment you would like to share?
We have touched on a few fun topics; if there is something else you would like to share about your life these past 20 years, please add it here!
This is your opportunity to get involved in the planning of our next reunion as well as give feedback and suggestions to the next brave group that decides to take on the challenge! (These answers will not be published in the Memory Book) Would you like to be a part in helping plan our next reunion...
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Hope to see you July 3rd, 2010 @ The
Bluff Country Club..
More reunion information can be found with the following links and emails.